Monday, August 18, 2014

Deep Cleaning a Sacred Space

After spending several days deep-cleaning my study/library room (throwing away lots of clutter, packing up books to be given away, and polishing everything with Pledge scented with Orange Oil fragrance!), my special room welcomes me anew each morning when I wake up about 4:30 or so. Once inside and seated, my day begins with Centering Prayer, what one might call the "deep cleaning of a sacred space." I do some Scripture reading, sip down two or three cups of coffee, check email, and wait for a whimper at the front door where Miztie stands, wagging her tail, wanting breakfast. It’s the quietest time of the day, that special time when as someone in Jo Nesbo’s crime novel says, you can hear the soft sound of a “sparrows fart” as they sing and welcome the morning.  Well, I don't really know about the sparrow gastronomical effusions, but I can tell you that  I’m so happy that at times I join them, humming along when they sing.  And I do some writing.